Friday 21st December, 2018 #
- Interesting drone fact - Eagles have been trained to intercept and retrieve drones in the Netherlands
- A review of the security on DigitalOcean's new Kubernetes Service - it doesn't fare too well, kind of worrying, and a bad sign if they are releasing half baked services which are vulnerable to being hacked
- api2html - Using the data from your API, generate the HTML on the fly! Server-side rendering of the mustache templates (neat idea)
- How That Magical Jack Dorsey – Alex Jones Photo Happened (America has it's own version of "surrealism")
- Is this how parliament ends – not with a bang but a row about a whisper? (An interesting observation on the surrealism of parliament)
- Orbital's Paul Hartnoll shows us how he keeps the classic sound of rave alive
- Why I can’t stop looking at apartments I’ll never rent
- Yeah sure, Decentralization and Crypto will solve everything (AI is about the only buzzworthy trope they forget to mention)
- World’s First AI News Anchor Makes its Debut in China - First they came for the news anchors...
- If copyrights in software worked the same as in film/movies, then you could write a closed source application once, and be the only one to make money from it for life time of the author + 50 years, then it could be open sourced - Feels like two very different dimensions, yet software is used to make films! Seems like there is quite a lot of incentive for software companies to find other ways to make up this glaringly big disparity
- HNThread - interesting comment thread discussing the managed service providers exploit by chinese hackers
- As part of a Chinese campaign known as Cloudhopper, managed service providers in industries including finance, electronics, medical equipment, biotechnology, automotive, mining, and oil and gas exploration were targeted with the aim of accessing client networks and stealing corporate secrets from companies around the globe
- NHS.UK frontend library - Uses React and interestingly (if you have been following Brexit) also a library called BackstopJS
- Analysis of 2018 Hacker News "Who is Hiring" Job Posts - html javascript, css, react, git, linux all Top Skills :), Software Engineers in high demand :), remote work in only 11% of jobs :(, visas provided in 5% of jobs :(
- Great Pacific garbage patch $20m cleanup fails to collect plastic
- Gatwick chaos - Police 'could shoot down drone' - Terrible situation made worse by conflicting actions and terrible use of double negatives in passenger information bulletins