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Monday 16th November, 2020 #

  • TMBA571 - There is Only One Kevin Kelly - This week’s episode is an interview with one of the co-founders of Wired Magazine, I found this episode super interesting, eclectic mix of geeky tech sci-fi futurism, but also history, anthropology and world cultures
  • Everything You Need To Know About Message Queues - Modern cloud architectures offer scalability and fault tolerance at low cost, this article covers these and many of the other benefits of this type of approach to building backend systems
  • Rosetta 2 - A brief look at the projected performance of the emulation layer in the new M1 Macs to run legacy applications
  • What Changed In Blogging Wizard’s Latest Redesign (And Our Updated Tech Stack) - It’s interesting to me to see what the current tech stack trends are for digital marketers, very Wordpress centric, very focused on theming and plugins, and a move to cloud services driven by the need for infinite scalability, I wonder if there are Wordpress + Serverless integrations being built
  • 10 Awesome Github Repos Every Web Developer Should Know - A good selection especially for working on your javascript skills