Friday 7th February, 2020 #
- What are your favorite portfolio sites for devs?
- Hosting Your Static Website For Free
- Wacom drawing tablets track the name of every application that you open - Really well written writeup of one person’s mini quest to figure out what data a Wacom tablet is tracking and sending back to head office, I reckon that softwares that are doing this should at the very least offer a web interface that shows clearly what data is being sent, of course it’s also good to know how to verify what’s actually being sent over the wire
- European parliament says it will not use facial recognition tech - I wonder what the consequences of having some large areas of the world using facial recognition extensively and other large areas not using it will be, it’s a pretty massive difference so it follows that there will be some new dynamics that will arise
- Looks like Elon Musk might take SpaceX’s Starlink public with an IPO
- Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos sells off another $1.6B in stock; he’s sold $3.4B over the past week
- IMDb’s free streaming service is adding major TV shows
- Kirk Douglas, Hollywood legend and star of Spartacus, dies aged 103
- Google Maps is turning 15! Celebrate with a new look and features