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Sunday 2nd February, 2020 #

  • New Post: Test Post Written Using Github
  • How to force GitHub Pages build? - I'm trying to figure out a way write Github Pages blog posts from an iOS device, but it's not clear how to trigger the site build once you've written the post using the Github web UI, feels like this should be easier
  • The Dark Side of Microservices - I think the best point this article highlights is how complicated debugging becomes because often you have to setup a debugger in lots of different projects simultaneously, it's already a bit annoying with a website/api double monolith, so having even more debugger sessions open at once would be really tricky
  • The Scroll subscription service is an ingenious web technology hack - This new service sounds pretty cool, but I don't get how it's implemented because according to the article it sets a cookie that websites you visit can see and then not display ads, but as far as I know cookies are not cross domain for security reasons, cannot read cookies set by, I don't get it maybe they are magic cookies