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Tuesday 28th January, 2020 #

  • How new tech can help the UK’s creative industry flourish - Some interesting figures, there are close to 6 million small businesses in the UK, about 1/4 of the population works for a small business - It's going to be important for small businesses to be successful, they create a vibrant and diverse society
  • The iPad Awkwardly Turns 10 - This piece by John Gruber is getting quite a lot of attention - Several years ago I had an iPad, I really liked it, it was exactly as he describes, very easy to use, but I never got another so I was unaware of these UI issues in the latest versions - The fact that the iPad is turning into vim where you have to know the exact combination of obscure gestures to get out is kind of scary
  • Don't start with React - I’m feeling the message highlighted by the author, it’s a good idea to learn the basics of how the browser works, but be careful because the stark reality is that it takes a lot of time and on the other end 98% of jobs on job boards require React/Vue/Angular, even the backend jobs, oh yeah and now Typescript, and you can guess that this pattern will continue, when *you* get there, there will be yet another set of minimum requirements - in a lot of cases your resume won’t even reach the employers inbox
  • There’s No Such Thing As ‘Ethical A.I.’
  • IoT security - Your smart devices must have these three features to be secure in the UK