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Sunday 29th December, 2019 #

  • Google’s Monopoly is Stifling Free Software
  • Strongly typed vs More-strongly typed - Interesting article that goes a bit deep but not too deep and neatly avoids the weeds, I don’t currently use types in any of the Javascript I write (i.e Typescript) - It’s not that I won’t use types, it’s that so far I haven’t seen enough benefit to using them, if I do then I want to properly understand the trade-offs, because I think in a lot of cases it’s not worth it - Also I really like that in javascript types are optional
  • In what scope are module variables stored in node.js? - Useful to know how code in a module gets wrapped
  • A brutal year - how the 'techlash' caught up with Facebook, Google and Amazon
  • A personal API - Interesting idea, it would be cool to see something like this take off