Thursday 22nd August, 2019 #
- How craving attention makes you less creative - Ted talk by Gordon Joseph Levitt - I listened to the audio of this talk, I liked it, it made me think of attention in the contexts I spend time in, attention isn’t the primary focus of linkblogging for me, but I think it has changed over time, some days it’s about weaving some sort of internal narrative, other times it’s about just knowledge, sometimes about showing appreciation or concern, and other times just to remember how things were some time in the future, anyway enough words it’s a good talk
- Monty Python's - The Funniest Joke in the World (la blague qui tue) - Surprised I hadn't actually seen the entire sketch until now
- Why DNS on blockchain is the next step after DNS over HTTPS
- Pre-industrial workers had a shorter workweek than today's
- On re-reading the Weatherspoons article looks like I misunderstood, it's cheap beer both for a no deal Brexit and a no-backstop-no-customs-union deal Brexit, so I think cheap beer is back on!
- Document your Javascript code with JSDoc
- Merkel - Backstop alternative 'possible within 30 days' - Cheap beer is off now, that didn't last long, I tell you I can't handle all this last minute seesawing
- India needs to reduce ecommerce restrictions to revive economy -Amazon executive
- Wetherspoon boss Tim Martin pledges to cut beer prices to ‘unbelievable low’ if we leave EU by 31 October - Well that's some good news at least
- Study reveals surprising top three countries with the healthiest foods
- Select commands from bash history
- Sir Nicholas William Peter Clegg (born 7 January 1967) is a British former politician who served as Deputy Prime Minister of the United Kingdom from 2010 to 2015 and as Leader of the Liberal Democrats from 2007 to 2015
- The results from Facebook's conservative bias audit - This appears to have been led by Nick Clegg, who was previously the leader of the Liberal Democrats political party in the UK, he is now the Facebook VP of Global Affairs and Communications
- Amazon opens its biggest global campus in India