VueJS is dead, long live VueJS! - the View javascript fontend framework is undergoing some major changes for v3 based around improving encapsulation for better code reuse across projects, but some devs are worried about the change
Bitcoin Is Back Above $10,000 and Investors Say This Rally Is Different - Facebook's move into crypto with their product Libra is having a big effect on the markets
Open Source Could Be a Casualty of the Trade War - The first few paragraphs of this article is just some waffle but eventually it makes the point that the US-China trade war could effect open source software, both financially and with code contributions as donors get laeled as government adversaries - One interesting fact is that the Linux foundation received $500k from platinum sponsor Huawei, who have contrinuted 1.5% of the kernel's code
Secretive Magic Leap Says Ex-Engineer Copied Headset for China