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Sunday 2nd June, 2019 #

  • What if Instagram Got Rid of Likes? - I think this is an interesting topic, personally I like not having metric on my linkblog, but the article does highlight an important consideration - "For users, numbers are power. For the platforms, so is hiding them"
  • After SpaceX Starlink Launch, a Fear of Satellites That Outnumber All Visible Stars
  • About 4bn people have a smartphone, according to this article approx 94% of humans above the age of 15 have a mobile phone
  • Apple WWDC 2019 - Mac Pro, iOS 13, Marzipan, and what else to expect - Several quite interesting things expected, the new "Marzipan" iOS/MacOS hybrid apps could be a way to compete with the internet and websites, the break up of bloated iTunes, the high end Mac Pro, I wish they would also release some decent software tools so you can see exactly which application is cunting up your kernel, the current situation where the activity montor shows the kernel running at %1500 cpu is useless, anyway will probably be worth watching