Tuesday 19th March, 2019 #
- Programmer migration patterns - I enjoyed reading this piece a lot more than I thought I would, the author somehow manages to buzz from place to place with rather elegant ease, dropping in just at the right moment, in the right place, with the right amount of words, neatly avoiding hazardous dead ends and dangerous cliff edges - Overall you get a pretty good view of one person's prespective of how things have been for the past few decades in programming without getting bogged down, and you come away with a rather clear structure for thinking about all the various languages, yet at the same time an appreciation that a lot of things have past, a lot of water has run under a lot of bridges
- Public disgrace - 82% of EU govt websites stalked by Google adtech cookies - Rather shocking, how is it possible that no one, not one single person thought to check this before GDPR got setup?
- Chinese goths post selfies in protest after subway incident - I didn't know there was a goth scene in China, when I was there it was mostly hip hop playing in the bars and clubs
- Grime music is being 'stifled', MPs say - It's good to see that politicians are getting involved in music culture, listen to the music, look at the society, try to make things better, put down knives and violence and find a way to live together, and make good and interesting and diverse music
- Russia's Putin Signs Into Law Bills Banning 'Fake News,' Insults - Quite hefty fines for individuals, public officials and companies that are deemed to have violated the laws, it's unclear to me whether it's the user or the platform or both that have to pay the fines
- Update on New Zealand
- If You Think Big Internet Companies Are Somehow To Blame For The New Zealand Massacre, You're Wrong
- Brexit - The House of Commons Speaker John Bercow rules out third meaningful vote on same deal
- Facebook's local news project frustrated – by lack of local newspapers