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Saturday 2nd March, 2019 #

  • Given how respectful asians are of their leaders, it must really blow their minds the way we report on our western leaders, I mean how would this sort of article even make any sense to them? Ideas that might seem really far fetched to westerners might seem very plausible, like for instance the idea that Donald Trump isn't really the president of the USA, that would enable the bonkers reporting to fit into their view of the world, but then the question quickly becomes is KJU really the leader of North Korea?
  • Redesigning Github repository page - I pretty much agree with all of the proposed changes, especially the navigation, I too can never find the stupid releases tab, also full length clone link - yes, but I don't like his repository overview, I like having that whole section just the files, and in fact I wish there was a better file browser something like the octotree browser plugin
  • The Beatles - absolutely wonderful recording studio "bloopers" - This made me smile, also I'm really into the fun use of text fonts in the video
  • Great Essays and Essayists
  • Space Force will not be the military branch that repels an alien invasion
  • Live feed for the SpaceX Crew demo-1 mission launch, about 30 mins until lift off
  • America’s Cities Are Running on Software From the ’80s - "software that runs on a dead programming language and can’t be used with a mouse" - It's actually pretty amazing that some of these systems are still functional, that would never happen these days
  • I wonder if there is some well know feature of technology and perhaps even just a general thing that happens in life, that every route eventually turns into a cul-de-sac where you are forced to take some risky manoeuvre - Currently I am being forced into several unwanted upgrades, re-installs, and logins, and troubleshooting always seems to lead to yet more unwanted upgrades, re-installs and logins
  • Remote Packet Capture for iOS devices
  • Bangkok to Chiang Mai by train - I've also done this exact journey, really enjoyable trip, the stops are worth the extra few days travel, there is such a lot of interesting history in this part of the world, plus trains are a fun way to get around
  • The rebirth of Ipoh Old Town - Another great trip report by James Clark, I really like his laid back and down to earth style, and because the reviews are structured as a photowalk it often feels like you are walking around town while learning a bit about the history and architecture of the location