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Tuesday 27th November, 2018 #

  • New data suggests African audiences see significantly more misinformation than Americans do
  • A table of contents of the Brexit deal document is on Github! Makes it a LOT easier to find any section you might be interested in or that might affects you
  • The actual Brexit document is really not published in a modern format - there should be an outline/index, and each section should be linkable via url - the w3c's HTML spec is a good example
  • The only major news organisation that has published the full text of the Brexit deal on their website is CNN!
  • It's worth remembering that most of the politicians and journalists will keep their jobs whether it's a good deal or a bad deal - Read / Scan through the actual Brexit document for YOURSELF!
  • Facebook's YouTube competitor Watch - "shows have successfully captured younger viewers" (Are we perhaps using the wrong sort of language to describe social media?)
  • Mars InSight - The moment of touchdown
  • Brexit: Trump says May's Brexit plan could hurt UK-US trade deal - He says under the proposed deal the UK might not be "allowed to trade"
  • SpaceX CEO Elon Musk teases Mars breakthroughs as Starship design radically changes