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Thursday 4th October, 2018 #

  • As we charge forward into an AI gene editing future let's remember that it's only been a few decades since the horrible policies of Eugenics
  • Weird story about a Bloomberg special report on China hardware hacking Amazon and Apple that everyone denies except for Bloomberg
  • Hey leaders of the world - instead (or in addition to) minimum wage, how about introducing a minimum number of minutes per day spent outdoors?
  • With all the talk about social credit scores etc, the only metric that is important: Number of minutes spent outdoors per day
  • IMHO concentrate on people of all ages spending at least as much outdoor time as inmates and chickens (perhaps gene editing can wait?)
  • Japan set to allow gene editing in human embryos (US, China and UK already do it) - Do we really want to live in gene editing arms race based societies?
  • 'Trump alert' - US mobile phone owners get test message
  • Breitbart and Infowars join the Daily Mail as banned from being used as a source for facts on Wikipedia
  • Amazon Warehouse Workers Lose Bonuses, Stock Awards for Raises