Thursday 8th February, 2018 #
- Pale blue dot - "We succeeded in taking that picture [from deep space], and, if you look at it, you see a dot. That's here. That's home. That's us."
- The Orb ~ Little Fluffy Clouds ~ Tokyo 02.07.1993 - Earth Timelapse from Space
- Glastonbury 2013 The Orb feat Kakatsitsi Little Fluffy Clouds
- Ibiza's iconic Space nightclub shuts (Oct 2016)
- Freemasons call for end to 'discrimination' of members
- Where to store a flash error message once you've destroyed the session
- Debugging JavaScript with the New Firefox JS Debugger
- Reddit bans deepfake porn videos
- Pornhub Is Banning AI-Generated Fake Porn Videos, Says They're Nonconsensual
- Microsoft tees up Windows 10 support of Progressive Web Apps
- Reddit bans ‘deepfakes’ AI porn communities
- John Perry Barlow, EFF Founder, Internet Pioneer, 1947-2018