Saturday 30th September, 2017 #
- Timezone support in date operators at query time
- Setting up your own Selenium test automation environment
- Declarative state and side effects management for popular JavaScript frameworks
- Why Does Sweden Have So Many Start-Ups?
- It’s time to give Firefox another chance
- Guys Find Fish Frozen Solid In The Act Of Eating Another Fish
- The Incredible Speed With Which A Leopard Can Take Down An Animal
- This Unreal Engine Generated Face Almost Escapes The Uncanny Valley And It's Freaking Us Out
- Node8’s util.promisify - No more promise chains
- ES6 Promises - Patterns and Anti-Patterns - Are promises really any better than callbacks?
- Strudel.js - Lightweight component framework, ideal step up for developers comfortable with jQuery who want to move on to something else
- How to write reliable browser tests using Selenium and Node.js