Sunday 4th June, 2017 #
- Understanding the “GPL is a Contract” court case
- Faster, Better, Cheaper - The art of making software
- Wrapping a REST API in GraphQL
- Running an Express GraphQL Server
- Marked 2 - Smarter tools for smarter writers
- - the setlist wiki
- MusicBrainz - an open music encyclopedia
- beets: the music geek‘s media organizer
- A Bird Decides To Chill Out And Hitchhike In The City
- Canada Is Making PSAs To Keep Kids From Sending Dick Pics Because This Is Where We're At Now
- And That's How You Catch A Bass With Your Hand
- Guy Makes Mistake Of Pickling As Many Foods As Possible To See What Stays Palatable
- wlan slovenija – open wireless network of Slovenia
- Pied Piper’s New Internet Isn’t Just Possible - It’s Almost Here