Friday 31st March, 2017 # Ghost in the Shell’s whitewashing: does Hollywood have an Asian problem? In U.S. Restaurants, Bars And Food Trucks, 'Modern Slavery' Persists Become a Patron!
Thursday 30th March, 2017 # Command Line Tutorials - Xargs & Cut Open Source License Business Perception Report /dev/lawyer Open Source License Business Perception Report Become a Patron!
Wednesday 29th March, 2017 # JavaScript, But less iffy unix - How to read a file into a variable in shell? Before and After Chuck Berry Let's Encrypt - Staging Environment Let's Encrypt - Rate Limits The new 12-sided £1 Coin Become a Patron!
Tuesday 28th March, 2017 # Create droplet from snapshot by REST api CloudFlare's great new features and why I won't use them Elon Musk launches Neuralink, a venture to merge the human brain with AI Wrangle your terminal with tmux Become a Patron!
Monday 27th March, 2017 # What's a concise way to check that environment variables are set in a Unix shell script? Add lines to cron from script Become a Patron!
Sunday 26th March, 2017 # The Road To Resilient Web Design This is what slavery looks like today, in the eyes of slavers Become a Patron!
Saturday 25th March, 2017 # Life As The Ultimate RPG, Casually Explained Modern JavaScript for Ancient Web Developers Ethics can’t be a side hustle Become a Patron!
Friday 24th March, 2017 # Deploying to production with GIT One-click App Deployment with Server-side Git Hooks Deploying a Node.js App to DigitalOcean with SSL Woman Creates One Hell Of A Looped Track Casually Strolling Down The Street Become a Patron!
Thursday 23rd March, 2017 # Pink Trombone 'Pink Trombone' Puts Every Part Of A Simulated Vocal Tract At Your Fingerti Domino’s stock has outperformed Google, Facebook, Apple, and Amazon this decade Become a Patron!
Tuesday 21st March, 2017 # The powerful way that 'normalisation' shapes our world Getting Started with Koa, part 1 - Generators Rename a local and remote branch in git Become a Patron!
Monday 20th March, 2017 # Meet the Artist Using Ritual Magic to Trap Self-Driving Cars It Begins - Bots Are Learning to Chat in Their Own Language Become a Patron!
Sunday 19th March, 2017 # Pocket API - Retrieve Trump to Merkel - We were both wiretapped under Obama 'London Bridge is down': the secret plan for the days after the Queen’s death Pocket API Documentation Which Rock Star Will Historians of the Future Remember? Become a Patron!
Saturday 18th March, 2017 # The 10 Most Common Mistakes JavaScript Developers Make It Takes A Ton Of Creativity And Cojones To Pull Off This Wicked Skate Trick scribbletune - Generate musical patterns with JavaScript and export as MIDI files using Node.js! Become a Patron!
Friday 17th March, 2017 # celebrate - joi validation middleware for Express Take Data Validation Seriously SFNode Meetup - Creating Electronic Dance Music with JS & Node.js jQuery Pagination plugin Become a Patron!
Thursday 16th March, 2017 # GitLab acquires software chat startup Gitter, will open-source the code Become a Patron!
Wednesday 15th March, 2017 # Jeff Bridges Got In Character As 'The Dude' At John Goodman's Walk Of Fame Induction Become a Patron!
Saturday 11th March, 2017 # How To Hire Other People To Handle Your Email Inbox For You Become a Patron!
Friday 10th March, 2017 # It’s Time to Take the Gaia Hypothesis Seriously What it feels like to be an open-source maintainer Uber's "sharing economy" is really the "taking economy" The 80/20 Guide to Async/Await in Node.js Wetland - Wetland is a modern object-relational mapper (ORM) for node.js Iot-433mhz is a home automation framework for 433mhz devices that runs on node.js Become a Patron!
Thursday 9th March, 2017 # Ask HN: What are some alternatives to Show HN? Other platforms to showcase Copy If You Can - Improving Your UI Design Skills With Copywork New app alerts users when their ex is nearby Webpack - A Detailed Introduction Eric's Archived Thoughts - Welcome to the Grid Phishing and Malware Sites Can Use HTTPS and SSL Against You A Hilarious Map Showing What People Used To Call Syphilis (Hint: After Whatever Country They Hated The Most) Become a Patron!
Wednesday 8th March, 2017 # A History of Anti-Fascist Punk Around the World in 9 Songs Brexit: All you need to know about the UK leaving the EU Security 101 for SaaS startups - Things I wish my first boss had told me Tinder Select is a secret, members-only version of the app Become a Patron!
Tuesday 7th March, 2017 # A Mini-Guide to Travelling Cambodia Google’s featured snippets are worse than fake news Hydrogen in 60 seconds Become a Patron!
Monday 6th March, 2017 # Boss describes minor work problem as ‘the perfect storm’ Northern Ireland briefly noticed Trump claims Obama has been following him around since 1987 Too Much Fun In Central Asia The Ultimate Guide to Being a Digital Nomad in Costa Rica 'SNL' Perfectly Captured The Republican Resistance In This Fake Movie Trailer 1.37bn records from somewhere to leak on Monday IBM adds new API to quantum computing cloud service Will Mark Zuckerberg Be Our Next President? Trump Takes on The Blob Digging Deep Into the Only Conspiracy Alex Jones Doesn't Like Become a Patron!
Sunday 5th March, 2017 # What Are The Essential James Brown Albums? How to pair typefaces Become a Patron!
Saturday 4th March, 2017 # How Uber Deceives the Authorities Worldwide US fears Trump may discover emojis Become a Patron!
Friday 3rd March, 2017 # The rise of the useless class Mets Player Makes Absurd One-Handed Snag Of A Flying Bat Containers Come to Test Pilot Like start-ups, most intentional communities fail - why? The Collapse of the Unix Philosophy Virginia is the first state to pass a law allowing robots to deliver straight to your door Operation Rosehub - making open source less vulnerable Psychology journal editor asked to resign for refusing to review papers unless he can see the data America divided into states with the population of England America divided into states with the population of California After Trump, boys at her daughter's school Nazi-salute in the hall - Here's how a mom responded DNA could be the future of data storage Former NAACP leader Rachel Dolezal gets new African name Nothing must stop Article 50 being triggered on arbitrary date I’ve made up, says May - we can't both be right Become a Patron!
Thursday 2nd March, 2017 # store.js - Cross-browser storage for all use cases On EME in HTML5 Become a Patron!
Wednesday 1st March, 2017 # Force Fed Luckiest Kid In The World Is Presented With His Very Own Backyard Rollercoaster Strategic Consequences of Chinese Racism: Strategic Asymmetry for the USA (2013) git-pre-hooks - automatically install git pre hooks in your git repository that run your task Replace RESTful APIs with JSON-Pure Simplify your JavaScript code with normalizer functions Become a Patron!