Tuesday 24th January, 2017 #
- Detect CSP violations with javascript
- Content Security Policy for extensions and bookmarklets
- The Resurrection of Bookmarklets
- Bookmarklets are Dead…
- Bookmarklets affected by CSP
- HomeMarks - Bookmarklet Fixed For Sites With Strict CSP Policies
- cheerio - Fast, flexible, and lean implementation of core
- helmetjs/frameguard - Is there functionality to ignore a route?
- This Intricate Raptor Hand Puppet Is Seriously Incredible
- Doctor Who Quote About 'Alternative Facts' Sounds Awfully Relatable 40 Years Later
- The end of passports? How Australia plans to make travel documents obsolete by 2020
- Doomsday Prep for the Super-Rich
- Adult Swim's Latest Weird Short Is Highly Unsettling
- What Happens When You Mix Java with a 1960 IBM Mainframe
- This Match-Winning Volleyball Point Is Something Else
- After 8 years, here are the promises Obama kept - and the ones he didn’t