Sunday 21st April, 2013 #
- Baserunning adventures of Milwaukee Brewers shortstop Jean Segura
- Girl got moves!
- Pointer Pointer
- Movies In Color - stills from movies and their colour palettes
- ack 2.0 has been released
- We've Open-sourced Rendr - Airbnb Engineering
- Filter can separate water from Coke
- The 39 Drunkest People In Britain
- Mortgage Calculators
- Bob Marley - I Smoke Two Joints
- Ember.js Guides
- “Christmas Party” by Anya Yurchyshyn
- How I Met My Dead Parents
- Get Your Walk Score - Find Walkable Apartments and Rentals
- Top 10 Awesome MacGyver Tricks That Speak For Themselves
- Boston bombing breaking news: Don’t watch cable. Shut off Twitter. You’d be better off cleaning your gutters