Thursday 30th August, 2012 # Records and headphones old school My brain is trying to kill me Become a Patron!
Wednesday 29th August, 2012 # Johnny Jump Up Spancil Hill Lyrics and Chords with key converter. Become a Patron!
Tuesday 28th August, 2012 # Perl moose - roles usage patterns Burning Man: Why would anyone want to go? Become a Patron!
Thursday 16th August, 2012 # $_ the default variable of Perl Abby Martin artist, activist and citizen journalist Become a Patron!
Wednesday 15th August, 2012 # Finding Perl material online What is the size of the Perl community? 1,000,000,000,000 Frames/Second Photography River of News, consuming a JSONP data feed BBS: The Documentary. The brave and pioneering band of computer users who created the Bulletin Board Systems of the early internet. Michel Thomas polyglot linguist, language teacher, and decorated war veteran Become a Patron!
Tuesday 14th August, 2012 # Reddit discussion on language learning and polyglots TEDx - Fluent in Three Months - Rapid Language Hacking Terms of Service; Didn't Read The biggest bitch in the entire world Pretty, cool album cover Cool album cover Dear computer see you after the holidays Crumbs Theme - Getting web folks the money they're owed. Pixar open sources production animation code, patents Become a Patron!
Sunday 12th August, 2012 # Creepy Spying System Revealed by Wikileaks, Which Then Gets Hit by a Massive Attack Google Transparency Report: Copyright Removal Requests - The focus is on mid-1980's textfiles and the world as it was then That Awesome Time I Was Sued for Two Billion Dollars on Vimeo 6 part film about BBC R&D opening up the archives Radiolab: Why Isn't the Sky Blue? Become a Patron!
Saturday 11th August, 2012 # What you refuse to see, is your worst trap Out of the Box: A Chinese Ecommerce Company Updates Ford’s Factory Model Thoughts on China’s Startup Ecosystem Kirby Ferguson: Embrace the remix The Dao of Presenting Become a Patron!
Thursday 9th August, 2012 # Where do you find Perl jobs? From ODT to POD with Perl - Modern Perl Books for modern Perl programming What is your release process? This little squirrel keeps coming in through the doggy door to hang out with my cat. : aww Become a Patron!
Wednesday 8th August, 2012 # Use Ninite and Task Scheduler to Keep Relatives' Computers Up to Date Ninite - Install or Update Multiple Apps at Once How To Get Excommunicated From the Catholic Church WATCH THIS! 'A Fox Tale' 3D short What are the similarities between Perl and Java? Mustard Mash with Smoked Haddock and Poached Egg Become a Patron!
Tuesday 7th August, 2012 # 9 things you need to know about JavaScript How Apple and Amazon Security Flaws Led to My Epic Hacking Evan's Lightning McQueen - car mod A Financial Plan for the Truly Fed Up Become a Patron!
Monday 6th August, 2012 # HOLY SHIT, MAN WALKS ON FUCKING MOON 25 JS Developers You Must Follow On Twitter Perl Testing: A Developer's Notebook Announcing Galileo - A minimal but modern CMS Galileo - A simple modern CMS built on Mojolicious Online Now - Welcome to the internet - Journey into the world of contemporary online social interaction Mary Bergin - Irish folk musician who is widely acknowledged as one of the great masters of the tin whistle Become a Patron!
Saturday 4th August, 2012 # Tippi Hedren on the abuse she took from Alfred Hitchock: "Today, I'd be a very rich woman" Become a Patron!
Friday 3rd August, 2012 # An Evening With Kevin Smith - Kevin tells his Prince story Ads for Real Humans Become a Patron!
Thursday 2nd August, 2012 # British Film Institute: The Top 50 Greatest Films of All Time Become a Patron!
Wednesday 1st August, 2012 # Delimiters Suck France in the year 2000 Guide to DRM-free Living gets a big update! Become a Patron!