Thursday 19th April, 2012 # The Author of ‘Heart of Dankness’ on Pot Growers Short Film: A story about a man and his magical home Become a Patron!
Monday 16th April, 2012 # Advanced SSH configuration and tunneling: We don’t need no stinking VPN software Become a Patron!
Saturday 14th April, 2012 # The "Big" Picture - The Independent Artist & the Tyranny of the Gatekeeper Jack White: 'I don't like to take the easy way out, on anything I do' Become a Patron!
Tuesday 10th April, 2012 # Useful commands for Windows administrators The Road (2009) Become a Patron!
Saturday 7th April, 2012 # Damon Albarn: Gorillaz, heroin and the last days of Blur Why SOME Smart People Fall Hard From the Top? Become a Patron!
Tuesday 3rd April, 2012 # Quora: What makes a great developer evangelist? Developer Evangelism - The Developer Evangelist Handbook Become a Patron!
Monday 2nd April, 2012 # Remember Names Game How to Train Your Brain and Boost Your Memory Like a USA Memory Champion Become a Patron!