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Saturday 25th January, 2020 #

  • UK won’t adopt new EU copyright law and the dreaded Article 13
  • Dolly Parton's Meme Exposes Social Media's Masquerade
  • Check out my latest Fiverr gig - Translate french to english technical writing - If you need any French to English translation services, especially if it's any technical writing, then contact me!
  • Mirage JS is an API mocking library that le ts you build, test and share a complete working JavaScript application without having to rely on any backend services - This library has an impressive amount of features, it’s not that far off having an entire backend in your frontend, I think there are a lot of cases where it could be useful
  • Big list of http static server one-liners
  • Bruce Schneier highlights the fact that it’s not just facial recognition technologies that we should be scrutinising, there are a mirriad of other recognition technologies and it is quickly becoming a systemic issue that is affecting societies as a whole, whether it’s being implemented by governments or private companies via adtech