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Thursday 12th December, 2019 #

  • My internet connectivity is unbelievably horrendous, sites barely load, just did a speed test - 0.76 Mbps download and 30 Mbps upload - not a lot I can do with that, a little bit one sided me thinks, no YouTube no podcasts, even my git remote commands hang half the time
  • Jack Dorsey Wants to Help You Create Your Own Twitter
  • Chrome 79 released - Lots of new security features, tab freezing looks interesting, back-forward caching, also interested to see the UI update to clearly show if you are signed into Chrome or not
  • Firefox 71 released - It's got a collection of some of the best new features and improvements that I have seen in a browser release, especially if you are a javascript developer - web sockets message inspector, network full-text search, console multi-line editor mode, inline variable preview in debugger, Promise.allSettled(), Media Session API, log on event listeners, also a bunch of CSS features