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Friday 13th September, 2019 #

  • The 5 Big Features of TypeScript 3.7 - I'm not a user of Typescript but this article contained the previous 2 links that I found interesting and just posted so it's only fair that I link to the original content here too :)
  • tc39/proposal-optional-chaining - Another stage 3 javascript proposal that would make life so much better
  • tc39/proposal-nullish-coalescing - This stage 3 javascript proposal is for the introduction of the ?? operator, would fix a bug that has bitten me several times in the past
  • Firefox Premium for Enterprises is now available - Interesting that the bulk of it's revenue currently comes from Google, who develop the Chrome web browser
  • Facebook lays out the 4 values that guide it's Community Standards - Authenticity, Safety, Privacy & Dignity
  • Slack launches dark mode for macOS, Windows, and Linux
  • Elevating original reporting in Search - I like their approach here, but it's not clear to me which of their products is using these new algorithms, is it just the regular google search tools or some news products they have? How and where will I visually see these new original articles?