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Monday 12th August, 2019 #

  • Brexit - Man in charge of French Channel ports - "Britain will be a third country"
  • India's Reliance bets on tech for growth, partnering with Microsoft for cloud services, launching fibre broadband
  • The New York Times is still detecting Chrome Incognito Mode after Google’s fix
  • I'm a big fan of the "I'm not saying it's aliens, but it's definitely aliens" meme, I find it enormously funny, however it occurred to me today that technically it might be racist to say this, because well if you replace aliens with any earth based group, then it would probably be considered a racist statement, but racism isn't at all why I find the meme funny, or is it? I don't know anymore, I guess to find out we would need to ask some actual life forms from other planets if they are offended by this meme - (I've been thinking about this all day now, it's blowing my mind)
  • New Issue: Jeykll install fails with bundler errors
  • Is the Queen remainers’ secret weapon? Don’t bet on it
  • Ireland tells Boris Johnson there will be no backstop renegotiation - EU on no deal Brexit: “British will be the big losers”
  • What Does a Coder Do If They Can't Type? - I haven’t had time to read this yet but it looks quite interesting
  • Ask HN - Configuration Management for Personal Computer? - Quite a topical thread for me given all the work I’ve been doing on my dotfiles the past few weeks
  • Talk about unintended consequences - GDPR is an identity thief's dream ticket to Europeans' data
  • The US Navy will replace its touchscreen controls with mechanical ones on its destroyers