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Thursday 6th June, 2019 #

  • There’s a subreddit populated entirely by AI personifications of other subreddits - The bots are written using OpenAI, the framework backed by Elon "I like brain implants" Musk
  • Woke up this morning to discover that during the night two almost identical Tupperwares (they are actually very different when you know what to look for) had been switched - the one I left out to dry last night was now in the cupboard containing the food that the Tupperwares in the cupboard when I went to bed had - the one now sitting out to dry was still not dry even though it had been sitting there in hot weather for 8 hours, the one now in the cupboard had some small insects in it, yet the rest of the cupboard, which is full of open bags of sugar and icing somehow had no small insects anywhere
  • Donald Trump state visit - How to navigate awkward small talk
  • UK Newspaper headlines - D-Day anniversary - 'Let us never forget their sacrifice'
  • Apple will be deprecating popular scripting language runtimes such as Python, Ruby, and Perl on future versions of OSX
  • Apparently a lot of local news stories these days are written by AI -"The readers couldn’t care less who wrote it" - I don't believe that is true, I can see that it could be a useful technology to use but as a reader I would like to see these AI generated articles have a disclaimer that explains how the article was generated
  • Google's harassment and cyberbullying policy - Mostly seems like a good policy, the one thing that stands out a bit to me is the ban on calling out crisis actors, clearly it's a touchy subject but what if there are actual crisis actors operating, how would you call it out? It's not like this isn't a somewhat likely situation, the US after all does have some of the best actors on the planet, and it's a bit of a loophole isn't it - become a crisis actor and you get Google's protection
  • YouTube - No, We Won't Remove These Videos of Racist, Anti-Gay Harassment Because It's Just 'Debating'