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Wednesday 10th April, 2019 #

  • VexChords - Javascript guitar chord renderer, renders guitar chords in your browser
  • Building a dependency-free site in 2019
  • WordPressify is a modern workflow for your WordPress development, with an integrated web server and auto-reload - All the build tools are written in Nodejs!
  • China's toxic livestreaming culture - the vicarious lives of angry, alienated, uneducated rural gamers - Every article coming through my feeds today seems to be about streaming
  • Where will the colour ban stop? I mean the French and their "Allez les Bleus!" that's got to be racist too now because it's mostly white people that have bleu eyes right? Oh the French such terrible racists! Perhaps we should just ban all the colours!
  • When did the BBC start to publish all their videos in flash again? I can't play any video on
  • Fulham FC fan in California sues over 'racist' number plate row - White people are not allowed to support their football team now, I wouldn't be all that suprised if at some stage there is a movement to just completely ban both the word black and the word white
  • Content piracy is back, is wildy popular and now it's gone social using Facebook's new Watch Party video-streaming feature
  • Google Cloud announces 7 open source partners - Confluent, DataStax, Elastic, InfluxData, MongoDB, Neo4j, and Redis Labs