Browse the linkblog archives.

Tuesday 19th February, 2019 #

  • Using Wordpress with React js - Tutorial on how to use React with headless Wordpress, also has some suggestions as to deployment options
  • WorldWideWeb - The full write up of the recently completed CERN project to restore the web's first browser
  • What I Don't Like About React Hooks
  • People in Germany are organising and demonstrating against the EU copyright directive
  • Baseball card vandals - The most ardently irreverent, beautifully nonsensical, brilliantly gross and sometimes surprisingly sublime thing on the internet
  • Uganda loses 5 million internet users as a result of Social Media Tax
  • ‘Sophisticated state actor’ hacks Australia’s political parties months before election
  • Getting over Privacy - Discusses the currently controversial idea that privacy might be incompatible with technological progress, and whether privacy is a strategy rather than a core value - My initial reaction to the idea is that no privacy might be very dangerous in ways we can not know until it is too late, it could be like closing a door that you can't open again, you'd want to be really sure there wasn't something fundamental to how humans are that wasn't on the other side of the door