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Monday 10th December, 2018 #

  • Brexit - How has the EU dealt with other renegotiations in the past?
  • UK Digital minister Margot James is very pro ID cards, a fake freedom of movement lover
  • Your apps know where you were last night, and they’re not keeping it secret
  • Workaround for Bootstrap v4 navbar menu toggler CSP error
  • Keith Haring on How to Be an Artist
  • I wonder which type of freedom of movement the time traveling pirates would prefer? Their priority is probably getting into the country, then they can blend in relatively easily, so maybe the EU freedom of movement, but then again they are time traveling pirates playing fancy dress, they can blend in anywhere right, so why not just prefer the UK version of freedom of movement? Then all peoples (time traveling pirates & regular peoples) have more equal freedom of movement
  • Guide to Advertising Technology (aka synchronicity or creepy advertising industrial complex?) - Very thorough and well written look into the digital advertising industry, the technologies and systems used to power much of today's web
  • Is the Internet to Blame for the Rise of Authoritarianism?
  • Where is the boundary between your phone and your mind?
  • We should be shouting “True freedom of movement” not the EUs fake freedom of movement - all this weird Brexit contortions the UK is having to do is a result of years of politely refusing the EU oppression