Browse the linkblog archives.

Wednesday 27th December, 2017 #

  • How To Create a Self-Signed SSL Certificate for Nginx
  • Where can I find the error logs of nginx? (MacOs via homebrew, Ubuntu)
  • In tinfoil news - How I amplified my home's Wi-Fi with aluminum foil
  • Vietnam Deploys 10,000 Cyber Warriors to Fight ‘Wrongful Views’
  • We’ve centralized all of our data to a guy called Mark Zuckerberg” says Pirate Bay Founder
  • Amazon Echo - SNL
  • Alexa Voice Service Overview
  • Amazon sells ‘tens of millions’ of Alexa devices worldwide in record holiday season
  • How Politicians Change What We Consider To Be Normal By Saying And Doing Crazy Things
  • The history of stripes in fashion
  • Power Prices Go Negative in Germany, a Positive for Energy Users