Browse the linkblog archives.

Monday 7th December, 2020 #

  • Radicle - A peer to peer decentralised alternative to github
  • I really like John Gruber’s style of ad copy, it rarely seems like a sales pitch, more like an presentation of the exact bit of information that will make you pause and agree, clearly a lot of thought goes into it, I’ve become more interested in it since I’m looking for sponsors for the linkblog, hopefully at some stage I’ll be writing similar pieces, though I guess with my own writing style
  • Discogs Thank You! A commercial community site with bulk data access
  • 🚀 I’ve added a link to the Newsletter in the linkblog, hopefully that makes it easier for people to find and sign up
  • dogsheep/github-to-sqlite - Save data from GitHub to a SQLite database
  • Cloudflare is working on Cloudflare Pages, a cloud platform for deploying and hosting JAMstack websites